Hi, Welcome to

The Water Insider

I test and talk about all things clean water

Inside Water Insider

What I do

Water Insider is your ultimate source for learning about clean water inside out. I talk all about:

Calculate your water intake needs

They say you need 11 cups of water per day. But… in reality, it depends on many factors like your age, gender, activity level, etc. The rule of thumb is: 


  • Women over 18 should drink 11.5 cups or 2.7 liters.

  • Men over 18 should drink 15.5 cups or 3.7 liters.

  • Children younger than 8 years old should drink around 4-5 cups or 1-1.3 liters.

  • Teenagers should drink 8-11 cups or 1.8-2.6 liters.


Want to calculate your specific needs? Use my water dosage calculator.